Cereal Chem 46:454 - 462. | VIEW
Survey of Cereal Grains and Soybeans for the Presence of Aflatoxin. II. Corn and Soybeans.
O. L. Shotwell, C. W. Hesseltine, H. R. Burmeister, W. F. Kwolek, G. M. Shannon, and H. H. Hall. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A total of 1,311 corn samples and 866 soybean samples, including samples from all grades and two different crop years, 1964 and 1965, were assayed for the presence of aflatoxin. Samples were extracted by the procedure used in the survey of wheat, grain sorghum, and oat samples, and extracts were tested for the presence of aflatoxin by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The sensitivity limit of the analysis as carried out was 2 to 5 p.p.b. of the metabolite. Of the 35 corn samples that were positive by TLC, 30 gave aflatoxinlike responses in ducklings. Five of these were in grade 5, and 25 were in sample grade. Two of the 866 soybean samples tested contained aflatoxin by TLC and the duckling test. These were in sample grade.