Cereal Chem 46:503 - 511. | VIEW
Improving Breadmaking Properties with Glycolipids. I. Improving Soy Products with Sucroesters.
Y. Pomeranz, M. D. Shogren, and K. F. Finney. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Adding 0.5 g. sucroglycerides per 100 g. flour increased water absorption and maximum hot-paste viscosity; it had no significant effects on mixing time, mixing tolerance, or extensibility characteristics. The sucroesters counteracted the deleterious effects of up to 16% soy products on loaf volume. The improving effect of 0.5% sucroglycerides was equal to, or better than, the effect of 3.0% commercial vegetable shortening. The effect of sucroesters increased with increase in hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (i.e., with decrease in number and chain lengths of fatty acids attached to the sucrose molecule). In addition to increasing loaf volume, sucroesters substantially improved crumb grain and softness. Largest improvement was obtained by adding 0.5% free polar flour lipids, rich in glycolipids. Improvement of free polar flour lipids was observed both in the control and in soy-containing breads; the sucroesters rendered soy proteins functional in breadmaking.