Cereal Chem 46:560 - 566. | VIEW
Nutrient Composition of Selected Wheats and Wheat Products. I. Description of Samples.
E. W. Toepfer and E. M. Hewston; F. N. Hepburn and J. H. Tulloss. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
This initial paper describes the samples, the sampling plan, and procedures for procurement, preparation, and distribution of samples in a study on composition and nutrients of wheats and wheat food products in the United States. To study the wheat foods available to the consumer in different sections of the country, ten types of food products were obtained from each of two cities in each of five geographical regions of the United States (100 samples). Products were: all-purpose flour, biscuit mix, breakfast cereals (whole-grain, wheat flakes, and shredded wheat), enriched white breads (conventional and continuous-mix), whole-wheat bread, hamburger rolls, and doughnuts. Fifty-six other samples of wheat products were studied to determine changes in composition from grain to food product. These comprised 11 wheats, flour milled from those wheats, and products prepared from the flours. Hard wheat flours were made into conventional and continuous-mix breads, semolina into macaroni, and soft wheat flours into cakes (bleached flour) or crackers (unbleached flour). Samples were obtained by the American Institute of Baking and after preparation (freeze-drying, grinding, blending, etc.) subsamples were distributed to participating laboratories for nutrient analyses. Analytical determinations at three laboratories include total solids, protein, ash, 6 macro-minerals, 18 amino acids, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, reducing and nonreducing sugars, starch, lactose, pentosans, fatty acids, the three forms of vitamin B-6, trace minerals, and the individual tocopherols of vitamin E. Results will be reported in accompanying and subsequent articles.