Cereal Chem 46:580 - 588. | VIEW
Extractable and "Bound" Fatty Acids in Wheat and Wheat Products.
J. A. Inkpen and F. W. Quackenbush. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
To provide quantitative data on the fatty acids in a broadly representative group of samples of wheat and wheat products, total lipid was obtained by extraction with chloroform-ethanol-water and subsequent hot acid hydrolysis of the extracted residue to obtain "bound" lipid. The chloroform-ethanol-water (CEW) solvent was equally as effective an extractant as water-saturated n-butanol (WSB); however, both solvent systems extracted substantial amounts of non-lipid (hexane-insoluble) substance, and neither effected complete removal of lipid material from the sample as shown by subsequent acid hydrolysis of the extracted residue. The extractable lipid from wheat and wheat flour contained much more stearate, much less palmitate and usually more linoleate than the "bound" lipid removable only after acid hydrolysis. One hundred fifty-six samples of wheat, wheat flour and wheat consumer products were analyzed for total and individual fatty acids. The data indicate that individual wheat products have nearly the same fatty acid composition in all regions of the country.