Cereal Chem 46:589 - 597. | VIEW
A Viscometric Method for Measuring Alpha-Amylase Activity in Small Samples of Wheat and Flour.
K. H. Tipples. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A viscometric method has been adapted for the determination of wheat alpha-amylase activity. A simple U- tube viscometer is used to follow the drop in viscosity of gelatinized potato-starch solution when incubated with an extract of whole wheat or flour. The reciprocal of the time taken for the viscosity to decrease to one-half of its original value is used as the basis of alpha-amylase units. The significance of the effect of beta-amylase is discussed and results are compared with those of other methods of alpha-amylase analysis. Relatively small quantities of material are required and the method may be used for analysis of single kernels. Where whole kernels are used, simultaneous grinding and extraction is carried out by shaking with extracting solution and ball bearings in stainless-steel centrifuge tubes. The method was used to show that nondormant wheat increases markedly in alpha-amylase activity when germinated, and that most of the initial increase in activity originates in the germ end of the kernel.