Cereal Chem 47:13 - 18. | VIEW
Studies on Starches of High Amylose Content. XI. Some Physichochemical Properties of Dispersions of Amylomaize Starch, and Observations on the Nature of High-Amylose Starches.
G. K. Adkins, C. T. Greenwood, and D. J. Hourston. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The extent to which granules of laboratory-isolated maize starches of different genotype are dispersed into aqueous solution under various conditions has been studied. Analysis by low-speed centrifugation showed that aqueous dispersion was always incomplete. Complete solution of the granules was achieved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). These DMSO-solutions have been studied by analytical ultracentrifugation. Waxy- maize starch sedimented as one component, and regular maize as two, corresponding to amylose and amylopectin, as expected. In contract, amylomaize starches with 57 to 75% of amylose sedimented as one component, the apparent sedimentation coefficient of which decreased with increase in reputed amylose content. This decrease in molecular size was confirmed by light-scattering and viscosity measurements. These results are discussed briefly in relation to current concepts of high-amylose starches.