Cereal Chem 47:33 - 37. | VIEW
Storage Stability of Lysine in Lysine-Fortified Wheat.
R. E. Ferrel, A. D. Shepherd, and D. G. Guadagni. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Lightly scarified but otherwise intact wheat kernels can be infused with up to 15% of lysine hydrochloride and then blended with untreated wheat to provide lysine enrichment at any desired practical level. Studies were undertaken to determine the stability of the added lysine. The highly fortified grain and blends with 0.1% fortification were stored at 90 and 100 F. at moisture levels of 9, 11, and 13%; a control sample was stored at 0 degrees at a moisture level of 13%. As periodically evaluated chemically for added lysine, organoleptically for possible odor or color deterioration, and biologically for physiological availability of the added nutrient (PER assay), stability remained relatively high throughout the storage period.