Cereal Chem 47:49 - 53. | VIEW
Methods for Determining the Extent of Stinkbug Damage in Soybeans. I. Density Method.
J. R. Hart and J. D. Rowan. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The decrease in soybean density resulting from stinkbug punctures forms the basis for the proposed method. An instrument has been developed which measures the time required for individual seeds to fall from one fixed point to another through a vertical column of water. The difference between the mean time of fall of a smaller number of undamaged seeds picked from a sample and the mean time for the sample as a whole is a measure of the relative amount of stinkbug-damaged tissue in a sample. Time required for determination is reduced from 40 to 50 min. by the present method to 10 to 15 min.