Cereal Chem 47:110 - 118. | VIEW
Dye-Binding Capacity and Amino Acid Content of Wheat-Protein Gel-Electrophoresis Bands.
J. M. Lawrence, S.-C. Liu, and D. R. Grant. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The ratio of bound amido black dye to the actual protein content has been determined for seven groups of wheat flour protein bands separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The starting materials used for the electrophoresis were aluminum lactate buffer extracts of flours from two wheat varieties, fractions from carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography, and more-or-less purified flour protein preparations. The bound dye was represented by densitometric peak areas and compared to the protein content as determined by amino acid analysis of the hydrolyzed gel bands. Some of the faster-moving proteins bound almost three times as much dye as the least mobile group. Corresponding band groups from different sources showed considerable variation in dye-binding capacity. Examination of the amino acid analyses shows that both mobility and dye-binding strength are positively correlated to the arginine and lysine content and negatively correlated to the glutamic acid content of flour proteins.