Cereal Chem 47:225 - 234. | VIEW
Large-Deformation and Rupture Properties of Wheat Flour Gluten.
J. A. Rinde, N. W. Tschoegl, and T. L. Smith. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The rheological properties of a reconstituted wet gluten were studied at 25 C. by determining stress-strain curves in simple tension at seven testing speeds from 0.263 to 26.3 in. per min. In comparison with previously studied doughs from a medium-strength Kansas and a weak Lemhi flour, the wet gluten was found to have a considerably higher modulus, to be more elastic, and to be stronger and less extensible than the doughs. The constant strain rate modulus, F(t), could be represented by: F(t) = F(t*)(t/t*)n, where t and t* are variable and isochronal (fixed) time, respectively. The characteristic exponent n, which is zero for elastic response and -1 for steady-state viscous flow, was found to be -0.17, in contrast to -0.29 and -0.40 for the Kansas and Lemhi flour dours, respectively. Data that show the marked dependence of the rupture stress and the elongation at break on the extension rate are presented and compared to data on Kansas and Lemhi flour doughs of different water contents.