Cereal Chem 47:363 - 368. | VIEW
Amino Acid Composition and Energy Value of Immature Sorghum Grain.
C. W. Deyoe, F. K. Shoup, G. D. Miller, J. Bathurst, D. Liang, P. E. Sanford, and L. S. Murphy. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Proximate and amino acid composition of mature and immature samples of sorghum grain were determined. The data indicate marked differences in amino acid content, immature sorghum grain having higher levels of lysine, aspartic acid, and glycine. Lower values for immature grain were observed for glutamic acid, proline, and leucine. Crude protein content of immature and mature sorghum grain was similar. Feeding studies indicate less available energy from immature than mature sorghum grain.