Cereal Chem 47:369 - 372. | VIEW
Methods of Determining Extent of Stinkbug Damage in Soybeans. II. Flotation Method.
J. R. Hart. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Decrease in soybean density resulting from stinkbug punctures causes a greater number of soybeans in a stinkbug-damaged sample to float on a saturated NaCl solution. The percent of soybeans in a sample containing stinkbug damage that will float on a saturated salt solution is determined. The percent of undamaged beans, picked by hand from a separate portion of the same sample, that will float is also determined. The differences between these two percentages for different samples have been found to be proportional to the extent of stinkbug damage present. On the basis of these measurements, a linear scale of values representing relative amounts of damage can be prepared.