Cereal Chem 47:429 - 436. | VIEW
Wheat Germ in Breadmaking. II. Improving Breadmaking Properties by Physical and Chemical Methods.
Y. Pomeranz, M. J. Carvajal, M. D. Shogren, R. C. Hoseney, and K. F. Finney. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Raw germ decreased loaf volume of white bread, whereas up to 15% glutathione-inactivated germ or equiprotein amounts of dialyzed sodium chloride extracts of germ had no deleterious effect. The addition of free polar wheat flour lipids increased loaf volume of bread nutritionally enriched with germ or germ proteins. High levels of sucrose monomyristate had deleterious effects on gassing power and on proof height and loaf volume in controls and in germ-enriched bread. Phosphatidyl choline (lecithin) had no effect on loaf volume of control bread, but increased substantially loaf volume of bread nutritionally enriched with up to 30% germ or 9% germ proteins. Results were best if the lecithin-to-germ ratio was between 1:10 and 1.5:10. Several phospholipids varied in their effects on loaf volume and crumb grain. Inositol phosphatide, synthetic DL alpha-lecithin, and phosphatidyl ethanolamine increased loaf volume most; phosphatidyl serine had little effect.