Cereal Chem 47:545 - 548. | VIEW
Methods for Determining the Extent of Stinkbug Damage in Soybeans. III. Relation of Stinkbug Damage to Quality in Soybeans.
J. R. Hart. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Changes in oil content, percent of free fatty acids, and protein content, resulting from stinkbug damage, were determined for 27 samples of soybeans. Determinations were first made on undamaged soybeans picked by hand from a sample, and the results were compared with the same determinations made on an unpicked portion of the sample. Results indicate that stinkbug damage causes lower oil content, higher percent of free fatty acids, and in most samples, higher protein content. Longer storage time appeared to produce no further quality deterioration in stinkbug-damaged beans.