Cereal Chem 47:671 - 678. | VIEW
Protein Nutritive Value of Wheat and Triticale Grain for Humans, Studied at Two Levels of Protein Intake.
C. Kies and H. M. Fox. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The protein nutritive value for adult humans of wheat grain (composite of high-protein Atlas 66 x Comanche lines) and of tritical grain (Rosner) has been compared at two levels of protein intake. Average nitrogen balances of nine human adults maintained on 4.0 or 6.0 g. N per day from the wheat or the triticale were -0.62 (4.0 g. N wheat diet), -0.44 (4.0 g. N triticale diet), -0.16 (6.0 g. N wheat diet), and +0.01 (6.0 g. N triticale diet), g. N per day, respectively. Differences between wheat and triticale were statistically significant at each level of nitrogen intake. A decrease in body nitrogen loss is generally interpreted as indicative of improved protein nutritive status. Thus, the decrease in nitrogen loss obtained at both levels of protein intake with the triticale diets as compared to the wheat diets suggest a slightly higher protein nutritive value for the tested triticale grain as compared with the tested wheat diets.