Cereal Chem 47:708 - 714. | VIEW
Laboratory Parboiling Apparatus and Methods of Evaluating Parboil-Canning Stability of Rice.
B. D. Webb and C. R. Adair. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A laboratory parboiling apparatus and methods used in evaluating parboil-canning stability of new rice varieties and early generation breeding material are described. The system permits the conduct of all operations involved in the rice parboil-canning process. This includes presteep vacuum treatment, steeping, steaming, drying, milling, and pressure canning of the parboiled milled rice in excess water. Canned kernel stability is subjectively evaluated according the clarity of broth, kernel splitting, and fraying of edges and ends. Objective methods are based on the amount of soluble and insoluble solids lost during canning of the parboiled rice. Solids loss for selected commercial and experimental rice varieties ranged from 9% (excellent parboil-canning stability) to 44%.