Cereal Chem 47:715 - 719. | VIEW
Nutrient Composition of Selected Wheats and Wheat Products. V. Carbohydrate.
J. F. Eheart and B. S. Mason. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
One hundred samples of consumer wheat products were collected and composited to study location effects on their carbohydrate content. The samples were readily available brands of ten products from two cities in five geographical areas of the United States. Reducing and nonreducing sugars, starch, lactose, pentosans, crude fiber, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin were determined on those products containing measurable amounts of the constituents. Similar products from different geographical areas did not differ significantly in carbohydrate constituents. Results for the ten products are given. Changes in carbohydrate composition were determined on hard wheat, hard wheat flour, conventional- and continuous-mix white breads; soft wheat, soft wheat cake and cracker flours, cakes and crackers; and durum wheat, semolina, and macaroni. Constituent increases in flours over wheats from which they were milled, and in products over flours from which they were prepared, indicated addition of the constituent from another source or changes due to processing or preparation, or both; conversely, decreases indicated losses due to processing or preparation, or both. No differences were obtained between the air-classified and conventional milling methods for the total solids and carbohydrate content of the flour.