Cereal Chem 47:739 - 745. | VIEW
Changes in Physical and Sensory Characteristics of Doughs and of Bread Containing Various Amounts of Fish Protein Concentrate and Lysine.
V. D. Sidwell and O. A. Hammerle. Copyright 1970 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A study was made of the physical and sensory characteristics of bread fortified with various amounts of either fish protein concentrate (FPC) or lysine. Doughs were prepared from mixtures containing wheat flour and 0, 5, 10, 20, and 25% FPC or 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0% lysine. Standard methods were used to evaluate the rheology of doughs and characteristics of bread. When 20% or less FPC was added to wheat flour, more water was absorbed by the dough than without FPC. FPC increased farinograph development time and stability and in the extensigraph test, it caused a decrease in extensibility and an increase in resistance to extension. Fortification of wheat flour with various amounts of lysine did not change the characteristics of dough appreciably. Addition of FPC decreased the volume of loaves, and the crumb became darker, coarser, and more compact. Addition of lysine to bread had little effect on either loaf volume or appearance. Judges accepted the texture and flavor of bread with 5 or 10% FPC about as well as that with no FPC. Bread containing higher amounts of FPC was less acceptable. Acceptability studies revealed no appreciable differences between breads containing various amounts of lysine.