Cereal Chem 48:74 - 80. | VIEW
Pigment Characterization in Grain Sorghum. II. White Varieties.
W. K. Nip and E. E. Burns. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The location and properties of the pigments in six white seeded sorghum varieties and hybrids were investigated. Freezing microtome sections revealed an orange stylar area and yellow pigmentation in the epicarp and the endocarp of the grain examined. Where colored spots were visible on the surface of the seed, the epicarp, mesocarp, and endocarp exhibited orange pigmentation. A procedure was developed to separate the different pigments by paper chromatography. On the basis of spectral properties, color reactions, and Rf values, it is apparent that two forms of apigeninidin and two forms of luteolinidin were present in each of the six varieties or hybrids investigated.