Cereal Chem 48:91 - 96. | VIEW
A Process for Producing Nontoxic Rapeseed Protein Isolate and an Acceptable Feed By- Product.
D. F. Owen, C. O. Chichester, J. Granadino C., and F. Monckeberg. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Pilot-plant studies have indicated that a light tan, bland, nontoxic rapeseed protein isolate can be produced commercially from rapeseed presscake meal for use in supplementation of foods or feeds. The simple extraction and washing procedures produce a product of approximately 84% protein containing 0 to 0.22 mg. of oxazolidinethione per g., with isothiocyanates completely eliminated. The original rapeseed presscake meal contained 7.5 mg. oxazolidinethione and 4.9 mg. isothiocyanate per g. of meal. The residual solids after protein extraction can still be used as a high-protein supplement of greatly reduced thioglucoside content, thus enhancing its value as a by-product feed supplement for nonruminants.