Cereal Chem 48:102 - 107. | VIEW
Chlorination and Water-Solubles Content in Flours of Soft Wheat Varieties.
L. T. Kissell. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Yield responses of the water-soluble fraction of a cake flour to differential chlorination were studied over a range of flour:water ratios. Extracts were analyzed optically for total solubles content and by Kjeldahl for soluble protein. Total solubles and soluble protein increased to a limit with increasing chlorination and decreasing flour:water ratios. Maximum yields of soluble protein were obtained at all chlorine levels using flour:water ratios of 1:10 to 1:30. A series of patent flours from eight varieties was chlorinated at eleven levels ranging from unbleached to twice the optimum rate. Samples of all treatments were extracted and the solubles analyzed at flour:water ratios of 1:10 and 1:3. Half of the protein of Comanche and Purkof and about two-thirds of soft red and soft white variety proteins were solubilized by chlorination. Soluble protein yields adjusted to a common protein level gave good correlation with Wooster-formula cake volume. At the 1:3 extraction level the ratio of soluble to total flour nitrogen gave high correlation with baking performance.