Cereal Chem 48:108 - 117. | VIEW
Internal Damage of Wheat Kernels by Successive Wetting and Drying Cycles.
D. S. Chung and H. H. Converse. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Effects of wetting and drying cycles on the extent of internal damage of wheat and related effect on kernel breaking strength were evaluated with two varieties of HRW wheat, Ottawa and Scout. A substantial increase in internal cracks or fissures in kernels owing to repeated wetting and drying cycles was observed. Radiographical examination of internal damage of wheat kernels showed that treatments caused only radial cracks. Studies showed that Scout wheat is more susceptible to internal damage from treatment than Ottawa wheat. When the number of cycles was increased, kernels with multiple internal cracks increased while those with single cracks decreased. Increased drying temperature tended to increase internal damage to wheat kernels. However, effects of drying temperature were less pronounced than the number of the successive cycle. Examination indicated that the average breaking strength decreased linearly with increased internal damage. Frequency distribution of the breaking strength of wheat kernels appeared to be normal. An index for predicting or describing susceptibility to breakage of wheat kernels was defined as the reduction in damage resistance owing to internal cracks. A linear relation between the index and percent internal damage was obtained.