Cereal Chem 48:191 - 189. | VIEW
Functional (Breadmaking) and Biochemical Properties of Wheat Flour Components. VIII. Starch.
R. C. Hoseney, K. F. Finney, Y. Pomeranz, and M. D. Shogren. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Fractionation and reconstitution studies have shown that the starch tailings fraction, although contributing to water absorption and dough feel, is not essential for optimum loaf volume. In this study, reconstituted prime starches from three hard red winter wheats, three hard red spring wheats, one soft white wheat, and one soft red winter wheat, all baked with a constant gluten and a constant water-solubles fraction, had essentially equal loaf-volume and crumb characteristics. Prime starch of durum wheat was significantly lower and four club wheat prime starches were significantly higher in loaf volume than that of the control starch from hard red winter wheat. Apparently, the club wheat starches were superior to the others because of genetic rather than environmental differences. Starches from rye and barley nearly equalled wheat starch in breadmaking; corn, milo, oat, rice, and potato starches were inferior. A small-granule starch isolated from a hard winter wheat flour had breadmaking characteristics that nearly equalled those of the control flour, suggesting that granule size did not govern the breadmaking potential of a starch. Corn, milo, and rice starches, which gelatinized at a temperature higher than that required for wheat starch, had poor breadmaking characteristics. But oat, potato, and durum wheat starches, which gelatinized at the same temperature as wheat starch, also had poor breadmaking characteristics. Starches gelatinized at much higher temperatures in dough than in a 4% starch-water slurry.