Cereal Chem 48:203 - 210. | VIEW
Optical Rotatory Dispersion, Circular Dichroism, and Infrared Studies of Wheat Gluten Proteins in Various Solvents.
J. E. Cluskey and Y. V. Wu. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The influence of various solvents upon the conformation of gluten proteins, glutenin and gliadin, has been studied by optical rotatory dispersion (ORD), circular dichroism (CD), and infrared (IR) absorption measurements. From ORD data an alpha-helix content of 38% has been calculated for gliadin in trifluoroethanol; 35% for glutenin. Conversely, little or no alpha-helix was found when the proteins were dispersed in 8M urea solutions. CD measurements made on gliadin and glutenin showed the presence of alpha-helical structure. IR absorption spectra of gliadin indicated the presence of alpha-helical and unordered conformations.