Cereal Chem 48:238 - 246. | VIEW
Studies with Radioactive Tracers. XVII. Model Browning Reactions Between Glycine and D- Glucose.
C. C. Lee and Y. H. Liau. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Air-dried solutions of glycine and D-glucose on filter paper were baked at 120 C. for selected time intervals. The reactions were followed by using glycine-1-14C, glycine-2-14C, or uniformly labeled D- glucose-14C as one of the reactants. The Amadori rearrangement product, 1-deoxy-1-glycino-D-fructose, was formed in the initial stages of the reaction and was isolated in crystalline form after heating for 20 min. Changes in radioactivity contents with lengths of heating in the volatile, basic water-soluble, nonbasic water-soluble, and water-insoluble fractions were also determined. The results are compared with previous data from breadmaking studies and discussed in relation to Maillard browning reactions.