Cereal Chem 48:328 - 335. | VIEW
Effect of Chemical Additives on the Functional Properties of Plain and 0.05% Yolk- Contaminated Spray-Dried Albumen.
C. M. Anderson, M. E. Zabik, and Z. L. Hawrysh. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of 0.1 and 0.2% additions of selected chemical additives on the functional performance of commercial spray-dried albumen and commercial spray-dried albumen with yolk added was investigated, using angel cakes as a test product. Sodium lauryl sulfate and triethyl citrate did not affect the functionality of commercial spray-dried albumen, but their addition significantly improved the performance of the 0.05% yolk-contaminated albumen in angel cake production. Of the two, sodium lauryl sulfate was more effective in producing angel cakes from yolk-contaminated albumen which were similar in quality to the plain albumen control cake. The addition of sodium oleate proved detrimental to both egg-white systems.