Cereal Chem 48:356 - 359. | VIEW
Distribution of Tocopherols in Wet- and Dry-Milled Corn Products.
G. W. Grams, C. W. Blessin, and G. E. Inglett. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The concentration of tocols and tocotrienols was determined in wet- and dry-milled corn products. Although recovery of dry matter and oil was good by both milling operations, loss of tocopherols was observed. The respective recoveries of alpha-tocol and total tocopherols were 68 and 73% after dry-milling and 18 and 27% after wet-milling. Tocopherols were highly concentrated in the germ products from both dry-milling (196 p.p.m.) and wet-milling (85 p.p.m.). The other corn products, therefore, had a low tocopherol content (grits, 15.4 p.p.m.; flour, 16.7 p.p.m.; and high-fat meal, 26.8 p.p.m.). The difference between total tocopherol concentrations in the germ products from wet- and dry-milling suggested that the manner in which this product was treated contributed significantly to the observed loss of tocopherols.