Cereal Chem 48:448 - 455. | VIEW
Glutenin in Developing Wheat Grain.
W. Bushuk and C. W. Wrigley. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
This article describes an examination of the possibility that glutenin might arise during the drying stages of grain ripening as an aggregation product of smaller molecules in the endosperm. Grain of hard red spring, soft white winter, and durum wheats was harvested at 4-day intervals during development. The frozen undried grain was extracted with a dissociating solvent and glutenin, gliadin, albumin, and small molecules were fractionated quantitatively by gel filtration. Glutenin was present at all stages of maturity. The proportion of glutenin was not affected by drying the grain. A low-molecular-weight glutenin appeared for the bread wheats, but not the durum in the late stage of maturity. Its presence appears to be related to baking quality.