Cereal Chem 48:490 - 498. | VIEW
Separation of Alpha- and Beta-Amylase Enzymes from Barley Malt by Ion-Exchange Chromatography.
A. W. MacGregor, D. E. LaBerge, and W. O. S. Meredith. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Active forms of barley-malt alpha- and beta-amylases were separated from one another by ion-exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose. Each enzyme contained two components. The enzymes were also separated on ion-exchange cellulose by a stepwise elution technique. The identity of each enzyme was confirmed by analyzing the hydrolysis products of amylose by alpha-amylases and the hydrolysis products of starch by beta-amylases. A 70 C. heat treatment completely inactivated beta-amylase in exracts of barley malt, but the chromatographic properties of the alpha-amylases were not altered.