Cereal Chem 48:587 - 594. | VIEW
Activity Patterns of Three Peptide Hydrolases and an Amidase During Malting and Brewing.
N. Prentice, W. C. Burger, and M. Moeller. Copyright 1971 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The activities of three peptide hydrolases (PHA, PHB, and PHC) and of an amidase which hydrolyzes L- leucyl-beta-naphthylamide (LNA-ase) were followed in Dickson and Piroline barley throughout the malting process and the mashing stage of brewing. Activities of the three peptide hydrolases increased after steeping until the fourth day of germination. The LNA-ase decreased slightly in steep, increased during the first two days of germination, then declined thereafter. Most activities decreased during kilning. Under conditions of practical brewing, the enzymes, while present in the malt tissue, were at a low level in the mash liquid at the protein-rest stage.