Cereal Chem 49:48 - 53. | VIEW
Factors Affecting Mechanical Dough Development. II. Implications of Mixing at a Constant Rate of Energy Input.
R. H. Kilborn and K. H. Tipples. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
With a laboratory-scale programmed mixing unit, a system was devised for mixing dough at a constant rate of energy input, determined from the level of electrical energy indicated by a recorder linked to the mixer motor. For this technique the mixer speed was varied as required throughout mixing, in contrast to the normal "conventional" method where mixer speed remained fixed while rate of energy consumption varied with changing consistency of the dough during development. Mixing times were shorter in the "constant- energy" method, the percentage saving in mixing time being greater at higher speeds and for flours that in the "conventional" method remain at low consistency for a large portion of the mix.