Cereal Chem 49:119 - 126. | VIEW
The Relative Nutritive Value, Amino Acid Content, and Digestibility of the Proteins of Wheat Mill Fractions.
S. Miladi, D. M. Hegsted, R. M. Saunders, and G. O. Kohler. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The mill fractions obtained by standard milling procedures from a single sample of wheat---germ, wheat protein concentrate, red dog, bran, shorts, patent flour, and clear flour---have been analyzed for total amino acid content, and the digestibility (in vitro) and relative nutritive value (RNV) of the proteins have been determined. The RNV varies from a high of 80% for germ and wheat protein concentrate to a low of approximately 25% for patent and clear flour. The RNV of these products correlates highly with the lysine content of the proteins, and better still when corrections for digestibility are applied. Lysine supplementation improved the nutritional value in all products with the exception of germ and wheat protein concentrate. Supplemented patent and clear flour had RNVs between 50 and 60%. A chemical score based upon the essential amino acid content of egg protein does not appear to identify the most limiting amino acid in several of the proteins, nor predict the RNV.