Cereal Chem 49:173 - 186. | VIEW
Nutrient Composition of Selected Wheats and Wheat Products. XI. Summary.
E. W. Toepfer, M. M. Polansky, J. F. Eheart, H. T. Slover, E. R. Morris, F. N. Hepburn, and F. W. Quackenbush. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The nutrient content of a variety of wheats and wheat products as well as of some consumer-available wheat products from U.S. markets has been determined. Data for the vitamins thiamine; riboflavin; total and free niacin; vitamin B-6 and its three components, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine; alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta- tocopherols, and alpha- and beta- tocotrienol, are presented for hard red wheats, bread flour, and white bread; for durum wheats, semolina, and macaroni; and for soft wheats, cake flour and cake, and straight-grade and cut-off flours and crackers. Data are also given for the fatty acids, 14 mineral elements, individual amino acids, and carbohydrate fractions. The nutrients of wheat products were expressed as percentages of the nutrient concentration in whole wheat, thus permitting comparisons in losses or gains. Recipe ingredients and enrichment mixtures plus preferential selection of the endosperm in flour resulted in a considerable range of values in relation to whole wheat.