Cereal Chem 49:366 - 371. | VIEW
Functional (Breadmaking) and Biochemical Properties of Wheat Flour Components. IX. Replacing Total Free Lipid with Synthetic Lipid.
R. C. Hoseney, K. F. Finney, and M. D. Shogren. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Adding sucrose monotallowate to a standard baking formula increased loaf volume from 7.0 to 18%, depending on the level of shortening in the formula. When two sucroglycerides (sucrose monotallowate and sucrose monopalmitate) were added to petroleum-ether-defatted flour, each replaced the total free flour lipids, and increased loaf volumes 18 and 22%, respectively, above that of the original flour (with shortening). Native free flour lipids could also be replaced with sodium or calcium stearoyl-2-lactylates. However, adding either lactylate, unlike the sucroglycerides, did not increase loaf volumes above that of the control flour. When two nonionic surfactants (pluronic polyols F-108 and F-68) were baked with petroleum-ether-defatted flour, loaf volumes were generally comparable to that of the control flour. However, all loaves baked with pluronic polyols had impaired crumb grains.