Cereal Chem 49:443 - 452. | VIEW
Studies with Radioactive Tracers. XVIII. Model Browning Reactions Between Glycine and D- Fructose.
C. C. Lee and Y. H. Liau. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Solutions of glycine and D-fructose were applied on filter paper, air-dried, and "baked" at 120 C. for selected time intervals. The browning reactions that occurred were studied with the aid of radioactive tracers, the labeled reactants employed being glycine-1-14C, glycine-2-14C, or uniformly labeled D- fructose-14C. 2-Deoxy-2-glycino-D-glucose (I) and 2-deoxy-2-glycino-D-mannose (II) were identified as products formed in the initial stages of the reaction, and (I) was isolated in pure crystalline form. The results also suggested that Strecker-type of decarboxylation could take place after the amino acid has combined with the reducing sugar. Changes in the radioactivity contents with lengths of time the reactants were subjected to heating were studied for the volatile, basic water-soluble, nonbasic water-soluble, and water- insoluble fractions, and the data indicate that the general trends of behavior are similar for the reactions of glycine with D-fructose and with D-glucose.