Cereal Chem 49:697 - 706. | VIEW
Physicochemical Properties of Starches of Wheats and Flours.
K. Kulp. Copyright 1972 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The properties of mature wheat starch granules and the effects of milling were investigated. Starches were separated from three hard winter-, three hard spring-, and two soft wheat flours, and from their parent wheats. Those from wheats were obtained under conditions designed to provide minimum changes in the granules. The native granules from different wheats varied only slighly in physiochemical properties except that those of the soft-wheat group were more soluble and yielded hot pastes of lower stabilities than those derived from hard wheats. The breadmaking potential of winter-wheat starches was highest, followed by spring- and soft-wheat starches. Differences between the parent wheat and flour starches reflected the effects of milling. As compared with the parent-wheat starch, the flour-starch differed little in swelling power and gelatinization-temperature ranges, but had lower Brabender consistencies, slightly higher solubilities, and greater susceptibility to enzymolysis and a higher water-hydration capacity. The baking potential of flour starch was less than that of the parent-wheat starch, indicating that native granules are desirable for the optimum starch performance, provided sufficient fermentable carbohydrates are used in the bread formula. Of the flour starches, best results were obtained with spring flour starches, followed in order by the soft flour- and then winter flour starches.