Cereal Chem 50:27 - 36. | VIEW
Comparison of Pentosans Extracted from Conventional and Continuous Bread.
B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Total water-solubles and pentosan preparations were extracted from the crumb and crust of conventional and continuous produced bread at 1, 4, 7, and 9 days from the date of baking. More total water-solubles and crude pentosans were isolated from the continuous baked bread than from the conventional bread. The amount of extractable carbohydrate material in the crude pentosan preparations decreased as the bread aged. Amylase treatment of the crude pentosans resulted in similar recoveries for both bread types at the different days of extraction and was similar to the flour recovery product. DEAE-cellulose column chromatography of the amylase-treated pentosans resulted in five fractions of which fraction 1 was essentially a pure pentosan and was recovered in highest yield. Intrinsic viscosity values obtained from the crumb of the conventional baked bread for fraction 1 at the different days were all similar but slightly lower than values obtained from the crumb of the continuous bread. Fraction 1 of the original flour pentosans had an intrinsic viscosity value that was lower than any of the bread crumb values. The ratio of component sugars, arabinose:xylose for fraction 1, was similar for the crumb and crust of the conventional bread pentosans at the different days of extraction; however, the ratio was slightly lower than for the same fraction of the continuous bread pentosans.