Cereal Chem 50:87 - 100. | VIEW
Effects of Prior Salt Treatment on Gluten Dispersibility.
R. L. Clements. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Gluten was homogenized in 1M sodium chloride (NaCl) and then repeatedly extracted with water. Approximately 60% of the gluten protein was solubilized in the initial extracts as the salt concentration in the extraction medium declined to 10 mM. Continued extraction of the residue resulted in swelling to a voluminous gel, indicative of a highly hydrophilic nature. This swelling did not occur until salt concentration in the medium had declined to less than 5 mM. Exhaustive washing of the gel resulted in slow but steady extraction of a second protein fraction which accounted for approximately 30% of the gluten protein. The fraction solubilized in the initial extractions of the gluten was precipitated by salts to give a gliadin-like product, whereas the fraction precipitated from later extracts exhibited the gross characteristics of glutenin. Addition of traces of salts to the intermediate residue gel resulted in immediate clotting and loss of bound water. When gluten was treated with NaCl at concentrations below 1M, subsequent washing resulted in immediate extraction of the gliadin-like fraction, but the degree of residue swelling was directly related to the concentration of salt in the treatment medium. Gluten treated with 0.01M NaCl did not swell. Gluten treated with 1M potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, or calcium chloride exhibited effects similar to those resulting from treatment with 1M NaCl, but results suggest specific cations may have specific effects. When glutens from different varieties of wheat were treated with 1M NaCl and subsequently extracted, no pronounced differences were noted.