Cereal Chem 50:281 - 291. | VIEW
Rheological Properties of Water-Extracted Air-Classified Spring Wheat Flours.
W. C. Shuey and K. A. Gilles. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Four flours milled from two spring wheat varieties (Selkirk and Justin), and at two protein levels were air- classified into three fractions. The air-classified flours were extracted at 10:1 water-to-flour ratio (v./w.) The "initial water-solubles" (IWS) extracted at 10:1 ratio were further partitioned into two fractions with water by extracting the freeze-dried IWS at a ratio of 5.5:1 (v./w.). The residue of the second partitioning, designated as "precipitate" (P) fraction, contained constituents that reduced the mixing time of the extracted flour. The effect of P in reducing the mixing was similar regardless of origin of the flour, i.e., flours ground from different spring wheat varieties, or air-classified flour fractions from those flours. The quantity of material extracted, however, was dependent on the air-classified fraction and related to the physical and chemical characteristics of the flour.