Cereal Chem 50:303 - 308. | VIEW
Cooked Corn Germ: Composition of Fractions Separated According to Particle Size by Sieving and Air Classification.
H. W. Gardner, W. J. Garcia, A. C. Stringfellow, and G. E. Inglett. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Corn germ tempered at 30% moisture was cooked on gas-fired flaking rolls set at 350 F. (177 C.). The cooked germ flakes were defatted and separated into fractions by a combination of sieving, pin milling, and air classification. Compositional data collected for the sized fraction indicated that generally a separation of endosperm and germ tissue occurred. The largest particles were most characteristic of endosperm and the smallest, germ tissue. Endosperm material found in cooked germ flakes was due to endosperm fragments common to the dry-milled germ fraction. Starch content in the largest particle fraction was 46%, while the two finest fractions contained only 9%. Some of the finest fractions had 27% protein composed of more than 5% lysine and only 3 to 4% fiber. There was also a striking separation of ash content among the fractions; the finest particle contained 14% ash and the largest, 5%.