Cereal Chem 50:576 - 579. | VIEW
A Note on the Effect of Varying Atmospheric Pressure on the Amylograph Viscosity of Flours.
K. Lorenz. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The amylograph viscosity of flours is affected by atmospheric pressure. Peak viscosity Brabender Unit (B.U.) values of flours increase approximately 3.5 and 9.5% at elevations of 2,500 and 5,000 ft., respectively, over those obtained at sea level conditions. The changes in B.U. value were found to be significant statistically. Many commercial bakeries and flour mills are located at elevations of up to 5,000 ft.; this should be taken into consideration when examining or reporting flour analyses. The operation of the amylograph at elevations above 5,000 ft. can lead to very unrealistic results because of rapid moisture loss from the boiling flour slurry at peak viscosity.