Cereal Chem 50:688 - 695. | VIEW
Studies of Glutenin. IV. Microscopic Structure and Its Relations to Breadmaking Quality.
R. A. Orth, B. L. Dronzek, and W. Bushuk. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Glutenins of two varieties of hard red spring wheat, Canthatch and Manitou, one variety of durum wheat, Stewart 63, a synthetic hexaploid (AABBDD) wheat and its tetraploid (AABB) and diploid (squarrosa, DD) parents, and one variety of spring rye, Prolific, were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The glutenins of Canthatch, Manitou, and the synthetic hexaploid were fibrous in structure, whereas those of Stewart 63 and Tetracanthatch were characterized by ribbonlike and film structures. Rye glutenin showed characteristic rodlike structures. Squarrosa glutenin appeared fibrous like the glutenin of the bread wheats and the synthetic hexaploid. The observed differences in microscopic structure can be related to glutenin elasticity. Glutenin of Manitou was fibrous and of uniform structure. On reduction of its disulfide bonds, this glutenin completely lost its fibrous structure.