Cereal Chem 50:708 - 716. | VIEW
Fractionation and Reconstitution Techniques for Studying Water-Retention Properties of Wheat Flours.
W. F. Sollars. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Water-retention capacities (WRC) of reconstituted flours were 10 to 20% higher than those for the parent normal flours when a standard fractionation and reconstitution (F&R) procedure was used. WRC of reconstituted flours were not affected by freeze-drying all fractions as compared with air-drying, by fractionating at zero temperatures, by variations in particle-size distribution, or by omission of the water- solubles. Longer reconstitution mixing times lowered WRC slightly. A simple blend of fractions had a slightly higher WRC than the corresponding reconstituted flour. Reconstituted flours had high inherent maltose values but apparently normal damaged-starch values. As compared with flours from the standard F&R procedure, flours reconstituted from the fractions of an acetic acid extraction procedure had higher WRC, and flours reconstituted from fractions of a kneading method in which the dough was formed with sodium chloride solution had lower WRC.