Cereal Chem 50:723 - 734. | VIEW
Changes in Carbohydrate Components During Wheat Maturation. II. Changes in Sugars, Pentosans, and Starch.
M. Abou-Guendia and B. L. D'Appolonia. Copyright 1973 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Work was continued to investigate the changes in carbohydrate components during wheat maturation. A study of the changes in free simple sugars present in the bran during the different stages of maturity revealed that fructose and glucose decreased with maturation, while raffinose, which appeared at the later stages, showed an increase with maturity. Sucrose content appeared to fluctuate during the period investigated. Maltose was present in small amounts and was relatively constant during the different stages of maturity. Ribose was detected in the bran in minor concentrations throughout all stages of maturity. The presence of ribose in bran had not been reported previously. The percent total free simple sugars present in bran was considerably higher than that present in flour or semolina. A study of the changes in pentosan and starch content as related to the changes in total reducing and nonreducing sugars and in mono-, di-, and trisaccharides during maturation of two hard red spring and durum wheat varieties was conducted. Results indicated that wheat maturation was characterized by an increase in the pentosan and the starch content of the kernel at the expense of the available sugars. Amylose and amylopectin components of starch both increased as the kernel matured. Results showed variations in starch pasting properties and birefringence during the stages of maturity.