Cereal Chem 51:56 - 65. | VIEW
Study of Relationships Between Wheat Protein Contents of Two U.K. Varieties and Derived Flour Protein Contents at Varying Extraction Rates. I. Studies on an Experimental Commercial Mill and a Laboratory Buhler Mill.
E. A. Farrand. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two varieties of wheat, Cappelle-Desprez (semisoft) and Maris Widgeon (semihard), were each studied at two protein levels. The experiments were conducted on a small commercial mill equipped with automatic band weighing devices to record weight of wheat to first break and all machine flours. From analysis of the wheat and machine flours a mathematical model employing transformed variables was deduced expressing a logarithmic relationship between wheat and flour protein contents and extraction rate. The wheats were also milled on a laboratory Buhler mill and, although the results obtained were substantially in agreement with the commercial results, there were significant differences. The model devised enabled calculation of flour proteins in terms of the moisture and protein content of a wheat for given extraction rates over the range 25 to 85%, according to the type of mill.