Cereal Chem 51:66 - 73. | VIEW
Study of Relationships Between Wheat Protein Contents of Two U.K. Varieties and Derived Flour Protein Contents at Varying Extraction Rates. II. Studies by Hand-Dissection of Individual Grains.
E. A. Farrand and J. J. C. Hinton. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Some 50 to 70 individual grains representative of milling samples of two U.K. varieties, Maris Widgeon (semihard) and Cappelle-Desprez (semisoft), each at two protein levels, were hand-dissected and protein determinations made on eight weighed arbitrary fractions, classified as embryo, scutellum, pericarp-testa, aleurone, and endosperms 1, 2, 3, and 4. It was concluded that a protein gradient found between the inner and outer endosperm could be expressed logarithmically, and the slope of the gradient was correlated with the protein content of the wheat. An interpretation of the results provided a basis for further studies on the relationship between grain proteins and milling characteristics.