Cereal Chem 51:195 - 202. | VIEW
Effect of Ingredients on Continous Bread-Crumb Pasting Characteristics.
B. L. D'Appolonia and L. A. MacArthur. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A laboratory model Wallace and Tiernan continuous baking unit was used to investigate the effect of ingredients on bread-crumb pasting characteristics. Effects of broth time and developer speed on the crumb also were examined. Besides visual examination of the crumb, the Brabender amylograph was used to measure the pasting properties of the different bread crumbs. The initial temperature at which a rise was noted in the amylograph curve increased at high sugar levels, while the peak height at 95 C. decreased. This decrease was noted also with high levels of nonfat dry skim milk. Peak height was higher for the bread crumbs containing less water in the bread formula. High and low levels of yeast resulted in high and low peak heights, respectively. Different amounts of oxidation or shortening did not affect the peak height of the bread crumb appreciably. An increase in the peak height of the crumb was noted as the broth time was increased.