Cereal Chem 51:209 - 219. | VIEW
A Unique Product by Spray Crystallization of Total Dextrose Hydrolysate.
D. H. Piehl, J. D. Woods, and K. W. Kirby. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A unique starch hydrolysate product of essentially alpha-D-glucose monohydrate in the form of small spherical beads was found to consist of discrete, flat microcrystals held together by an amorphous binding material. This unusual structure leaves a random network of void spaces. Scanning electron microscopy, X- ray diffraction, and differential thermal analysis were used to characterize the sugar and its dehydration product, anhydrous alpha-D-glucose. The anhydrous product exhibited an apparently modified crystalline structure with a less crystalline crust and could be reversibly hydrated back to alpha-D-glucose- monohydrate. The rehydrated product had the same microcrystalline structure as the original product and little amorphous material, but much greater particle aggregation than either of the other two products.