Cereal Chem 51:309 - 315. | VIEW
Composition and Utilization of Milled Barley Products. IV. Mineral Components.
D. J. Liu, G. S. Robbins, and Y. Pomeranz. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Eleven elements (P, K, Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Al, and Mo, in decreasing concentrations) were determined in whole barley, in caryopsis components separated by hand, in products of tangential abrasion of barley, in roller-milled flours, in air-classified flours, and in starch. Germ contained the highest, and central endosperm the lowest, concentrations of mineral components. The amounts and patterns of distribution of elements in various barley tissues resembled those in wheat. Individual elements showed varying gradients of decrease in concentration from the germ or pericarp to the central endosperm, i.e., some elements were more uniformly distributed throughout the kernel than others. Tailings and shorts of roller-milled barley, which were rich in germ and aleurone particles, contained higher concentrations of mineral elements than did the flour. Concentration of mineral components in the flour was up to 500 times higher than in the starch. During air classification, shifts in protein concentration were accompanied by shifts in concentration of mineral components.