Cereal Chem 51:355 - 363. | VIEW
Use of the Alveograph for Quality Evaluation of Hard Red Spring Wheat.
S. Khattak, B. L. D'Appolonia, and O. J. Banasik. Copyright 1974 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
An investigation of the Chopin alveograph for use in quality evaluation of hard red spring (HRS) wheats was undertaken. In most cases, the correlations of alveogram values with loaf volume and flour protein were low and nonsignificant. Various modifications of the standard recommended alveograph method were attempted. However, no improvement in the correlation of alveogram values and loaf volume was obtained. With the use of 5 p.p.m. of sodium bisulfite, the S and W values of the alveogram curve were found to be significantly correlated with loaf volume but the correlations were low. However, when the same concentrations of sodium bisulfite were utilized on samples of a different crop year, low and nonsignificant correlations were obtained. With potassium iodate, the correlations of alveogram values with loaf volume were also low and nonsignificant. However, it was found that this instrument was able to detect the effect of as little as 3.0 p.p.m. of potassium iodate in HRS wheat dough. The apparatus also was able to detect differences in physical properties which existed between samples which differed little in protein content or in loaf volume.